Holland House i Philipsburg

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43 Voorstraat 45 Voorstraat, Philipsburg,, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-2572
Hjemmeside: www.hhbh.com
Latitude: 18.0229358, Longitude: -63.0447746
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Kommentar 5

  • Prysciliana M.I. Christina

    Prysciliana M.I. Christina


    Despite the effects of the hurricane all around, this hotel is still beautiful in and out. The perfect location (in the middle of the city and at the boardwalk) for my business trip. It has paid parking and a nice restaurant and bar by the boardwalk.

  • Lars Elvroth

    Lars Elvroth


    The obviois choice if you are heading to Philipsburg! Extremely friendly staff and an amazing atmosphere in the lounge overlooking the beach. Good for both business trips or a relaxing weekend on the beach.

  • Bleu {Tammy} Cherrie

    Bleu {Tammy} Cherrie


    Beautiful hotel awesome staff very secure and the food is amazing . The rooms are nice and spacious the location is great right on the boardwalk and the beach is beautiful of course.

  • Jennifer Johnson

    Jennifer Johnson


    Happy hour,Fred and friends Friday or just hanging at the bar any day HH is the place. Bar staff love them.

  • Paul Yuzvyshen

    Paul Yuzvyshen


    I was there about 3 times because I worked on the cruise ship. I paid 10$ and got a sunbed, very good wifi, 2 free drinks, changing room&shower. I think it's very good deal. The place is wonderful

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