Horizon View Beach Front Hotel i Philipsburg

Åben kort
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49, Voorstraat, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-543-2120
Hjemmeside: www.horizonviewhotel.com
Latitude: 18.022918, Longitude: -63.045061
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Kommentar 5

  • Bill Edmonds

    Bill Edmonds


    Ok place

  • Geert Wirken

    Geert Wirken


    Good location, but interior is dated.

  • Rolandson Fontaine

    Rolandson Fontaine


    It's a nice hotel service is ok

  • Vaughn Mahabir

    Vaughn Mahabir


    This is in the heart of the town between many jewel shops. It can give you wife a heart attack, very busy streets in the day until 5pm and a ghost town at nights. With many food places around.

  • Mohit Sujanani

    Mohit Sujanani


    The Beachfront rooms have a great view of the cruise ships and the sliding doors makes up for not having a dedicated balcony. The bathroom looks like it was renovated recently nice and clean. They also offered complimentary wifi and breakfast; which consisted of Coffee, Orange juice, croissants, and sweet raisin rolls.

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