Vicky's Keys i Philipsburg

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🕗 Åbningstider

The Keys Rd 8, Lane 3, Sucker Garden, Upper Prince's Quarter, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-586-8435
Latitude: 18.0347, Longitude: -63.037181
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Kommentar 5

  • rosalynn manophinives

    rosalynn manophinives


    Great owners. Quiet area. First hostel I stayed in, so it is difficult for me to compare to the others, but it was inexpensive and clean, but the dorm room honestly seemed a little small..I couldn't imagine having to share the room and tiny bathroom with 4 other people, especially as a female. Good thing there weren't other people staying in the room, except for one that showed up late at night. I'd recommend it if you don't mind this.

  • Krystian Zabielski

    Krystian Zabielski


    Hey there, this place is 5 stars. According to rough conditions on the island, people there (Cee and Crew) are giving their best. They build their place, support you in any way, are very friendly and helpful (rooms, food, drinks, laundry, garden, additional events). Prices are at the very bottom, just to keep quality. You cannot get wrong by comming to Vicky's Keys. Those guys are worth respect in the way how they doing their life and business. Thank you

  • Eilda Radjouki

    Eilda Radjouki



  • Jonothan Brown

    Jonothan Brown


    Nice house to live

  • Sam Michael

    Sam Michael


    By far one of the best places i stayed in. Staff are very friendly and treat you like family. Get the experience of living among the locals and everywhere on the island can be reached by bus from Philisburg.. the most important thing about this place is how kind and amazing the owner and the staff are. Definitely recommended and I will be stopping back frequently at saint Maarten to stay with the awesome people of Vicky's key. Sam

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