Travel Inn Hotel Simpson Bay i Simpson Bay

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Airport Road, Simpson Bay, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-545-3353
Latitude: 18.0372799, Longitude: -63.0952534
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Kommentar 5

  • John Overington

    John Overington


    Stayed here for 5 weeks on assignment. It's okay but way overpriced for what I would class as nothing more than a budget hotel.

  • John Overington

    John Overington


    Staying here for 5 weeks. Very expensive and just an average hotel - no room service etc. Rooms are big though. Sint Maarten is very expensive. We're here with Salvation Army.

  • Jocelyn Andrew

    Jocelyn Andrew


    If you need a place to sleep then it's ok. Not a single piece of furniture matches and they all appear to have been scavenged from the trash. The sheets are relatively clean, the AC does work. Lock your important things in the safe before leaving. It's right on the main strip so there are restaurant, clubs, and bars right near there. The hotel is not on the beach The restaurant below is wonderful. Take full advantage of the inexpensive alcohol to ease yourself into a good mood for sleeping. They price gouge if at all possible. They have taxis available to the airport in the morning. The shower was serviceable.

  • Fayzah Yahya

    Fayzah Yahya


    Clean and nice hotel. It's in a good location near the airport and dining places within walking distance.

  • Jo-Anne Mason

    Jo-Anne Mason


    Travel inn is a nice hotel close to many restaurants and the airport. Great place to overnight. Inexpensive but everything you need.

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