The Druggist Pharmacy i Simpson Bay

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Airport Road, Simpson Bay, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-545-2777
Latitude: 18.0401964, Longitude: -63.097681
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Kommentar 1

  • Andy Libby

    Andy Libby


    I got Sint Martin wearing a BRAND NEW pair Sperry Topsiders. I decided to go for a walk the first day after I arrived and having forgotten the last time I was wearing these new, I ruined my feet with blisters. I looked for a local pharmacy and figured this was close to where I was staying. I decided I would need more bandages before I was healed. So I put 3 large plasters I carry in my first aid kit (which I keep with me all the time) on the holes in my feet, and walked gentle to this place. I found the selection of bandages to be very complete and I got a box of five waterproof patches with a very nice application method with a brand name I had never heard of. But they were only $2 a box. These were suggested by one of the staff and they held very well for a day which is fine because I was taking them off at night to allow the wounds to dry out and them to start filling in the holes I had created. Nice little place nice people.

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