Telem Group i Philipsburg

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

5, Soualiga Road, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-546-0100
Latitude: 18.0274025, Longitude: -63.0459208
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Kommentar 5

  • Giovanni Choisy

    Giovanni Choisy


    If you are looking for good internet service do not go with Telnet, you would be making a big mistake. The service constantly drops making it near impossible to get any work done. Ive called and emailed complaing about tangled wires which need to be organized and nothing has been done to resolve the problem. There seems to be a problem in communication between staff, technicians and customers that management should look into. I am so fustrated with your service as a company that I took the time to write my very first review of a company. Thanks for nothing

  • Starlin Francisco Solano Troncoso

    Starlin Francisco Solano Troncoso


    Bueno serbicio de telefonos

  • David Beek

    David Beek


    Long lines however service is good. It could be a little faster though

  • Winston Dorbeck

    Winston Dorbeck


    Good service. Helpful ppl

  • Vishal Vaswani

    Vishal Vaswani


    Absolute horrid experience with Telnet. As a student that studies online, I been calling for the past 5 weeks complaining about the fact that I don't have internet at home, no one even bothers to pass by and check the issue. UTS is better to deal with. Don't bother with Telnet, customer service doesn't exist here.

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