Seaside Nature Park i Sint Maarten

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Cay Bay Rd., Sint Maarten, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-544-5255
Latitude: 18.0232517, Longitude: -63.0798054
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Kommentar 5

  • DELROY Lovelock

    DELROY Lovelock


    Wonderful out door entertainment horse back riding and Moore

  • Alex K

    Alex K


    Very friendly, professional staff, nice horses. At the end of the ride you may go into the sea with the horse The location is a bit unexpected at the end of an industrial street, but once you'll get there you will forget that immediately.

  • Eugene Griffith

    Eugene Griffith


    Amazing view of the coast line!!

  • Dimi3 Halley

    Dimi3 Halley


    This place takes care of the animals and the guides are great. Really good place

  • S C Nylin Family

    S C Nylin Family


    We did the Full Moon hike with a 5 year old and had a good time. The staff was very friendly and enthusiastic about sharing the history of that area of the island. The path wasn't too challenging and we got good views of the bays. A pleasant evening for a reasonable price. The owners are working on adding more features and events and it seems like a promising project. They seem to take great care of the horses and it would be a great place for a beach ride.

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