Sea Palace Resort i Philipsburg

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147, Voorstraat, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1-721
Latitude: 18.0246061, Longitude: -63.0499429
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Kommentar 5

  • Jason Byler

    Jason Byler


    Very beautiful place the staff is friendly and helpful. Has a beautiful view.

  • Marci Cooke

    Marci Cooke


    Located on the board walk along the great bay beach in Philisburg SXM

  • Rose Ratchell

    Rose Ratchell


    Relaxing by the beach. Seizing the day

  • maegan showalter

    maegan showalter


    Beautiful rooms, great location right in the city with locals. Amazing customer service.

  • Scott



    The staff has been the high point of my stay so far. The rooms were recently refurbished and are very nice. Take note, you will pay extra for poor internet and $35 minimum for electricity per week. The nicer restaurants and shops are at the other end of the boardwalk.

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