La Playa Orient Bay i Collectivity of Saint Martin

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116, Parc de la Baie Orientale, Orient Bay 97150, St Martin
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 87 42 08
Latitude: 18.0876849, Longitude: -63.0218334
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Kommentar 5

  • Jessica Koch

    Jessica Koch


    My husband (at that time he was still my fiance) and I went here on one of our stops for our Royal Caribbean cruise and we wanted to STAY there! It was amazing! We went parasailing on a beautiful, windy, sunny day, we body surfed in the huge waves and drank the best mojitos and pina coladas we've ever had!! There were so many more activites we didnt have time to try! The resort was absolutely gorgeous! The food was amazing, the service and staff were polite and friendly, always smiling 😁. I bought 2 of the most unique dresses with gorgeous belts at the little shop there, nothing like the boring, generic dresses u see all over the Caribbean 😴. We loved it so much we decided to go for our honeymoon but sadly they were hit by the hurricane! We were so sad! But we r going after they open back up 😄! We cant wait! I'll write another review after we stay there for the week to review the actual hotel rooms and service there.

  • Donna Starts

    Donna Starts


    Love LA Playa. Katy and staff are wonderful. Rooms are very nice. It's right on the beach. Restaurants on the square. We love it We are hoping that they can rebuild.

  • Aaron Wright

    Aaron Wright


    Fantastic place to stay! It's away from the city so it's nice and quiet.

  • Cristina Vasilenco

    Cristina Vasilenco


    Great area, nice beach. Lots of stores and restaurants.

  • John Hennessey

    John Hennessey


    We didn't stay here, just spent the day at the beach. Clean, built with quality, well maintained. Lobster salad was excellent.

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