Divi Little Bay Beach Resort i Philipsburg

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15, Longwall Rd., Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 800-367-3484
Hjemmeside: www.diviresorts.com
Latitude: 18.0185509, Longitude: -63.0608636
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Kommentar 5

  • Cathie L

    Cathie L


    St Martin, Divi Little Bay, wonderful resort. Good location, excellent beach, friendly staff. Quiet and peaceful.

  • Nicole Brewington

    Nicole Brewington


    Love Divi Little Bay! We have been going there for 3 years in a row! Love the resort, love the people, love the island! Heard half the resort was destroyed by Irma 😢😢😢... Praying for my family and friends in di islands!

  • Jessye Duval

    Jessye Duval


    Pros: Rooms are absolutely gorgeous! Clean and contemporary; The hotel itself looks like a 5 star villa on a private island; Rooms are in multiple buildings along the shore so you have to walk a little to your room, but the hotel has an on call pick up and drop off system on carts like many other resorts; Multiple Jacuzzis and pools just in case one gets a little too crowded; I saw absolutely no bugs on that resort... Amazing! Staff is very friendly and supportive in making it your best vacation yet (They give you a welcome package); Everyone on the island knows where Divi is so it's very easy to get driving directions if you rent a car. Hotel is only 10 min or less away from SXM and Boardwalk. Cons: How to get to the entrance of the resort is very confusing and hard to figure out (They have a big sign for the resort but it's not at the entrance); $200 Deposit is returned 2 weeks later even though it took 30 seconds to take the money out of my account; Nothing really within walking distance but the resort has all you may need. I would DEFINITELY recommend staying here. If you're deciding between places right now- pick Divi! I've researched other hotels and they were either lacking in quality or just way too expensive for what I wanted- this one was just right! I will definitely be back.

  • F. C.

    F. C.


    We stayed at Divi for a week and it was a great stay. The restaurant choices provided a good variety, the on-site grocery made it convenient for items you may have forgotten or if you wanted to prepare food in your room, and the staff was very friendly. The only things about this resort is there is no on-site ATM amd our tub had an unpleasant smell half of our stay. Did not bring it up to tue hotel as it was not that bad. We enjoyed our stay and would certainly return.

  • Jayme Larochelle

    Jayme Larochelle


    Perfect spot for a tropical getaway! Great food and drinks for the all inclusive package. Rooms were nice too. We loved the island too. Make sure you get off the resort and drive around!

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