Board Walk, SXM i Philipsburg

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Boardwalk, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1-721
Latitude: 18.0235683, Longitude: -63.0471703
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Kommentar 3

  • Travel Gal

    Travel Gal


    Good alternative to Front St. Nice area to walk along the shoreline and browse shops and restaurants. When cruise ships are in port this area and the beach here can get crowded but otherwise it’s not busy at all. If you’re visiting St Martin don’t just stay here, go to Orient Beach and village to get an authentic experience.

  • VirtualTravelGirl



    Nice stroll along the beach. Lots of restaurants and shops although it’s only lively on days when cruise ships are present. The beach here is not very nice and only cruise ship passengers hang out here.

  • Raymond Kim

    Raymond Kim


Nærmeste Bar:


Apotheek Steeg, Philipsburg
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Lizz's Bar and Grill

96-, 100 Voorstraat, Philipsburg
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Captain Jacks Beach Bar & Grille

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