St Maarten Zoo i Philipsburg

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Arch Road, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-543-2030
Latitude: 18.038275, Longitude: -63.0480403
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Kommentar 5

  • John Overington

    John Overington


    The zoo is totally destroyed with no plan to rebuild. Very sad. 22nd Feb 2018

  • Stephany De La Cruz

    Stephany De La Cruz


    Don't know how it looks now but it was a nice places for kids

  • Fausto Mercalina

    Fausto Mercalina


    Normally a cool and nice place, sadly at this moment not available because of hurricane Irma.

  • Meshack Jean

    Meshack Jean


    I started off working for steve helping gift wrap gifts for kids.i also helped cleaning up the garden&the animals was a suprise to what you'll see from around your surroundings.

  • Jessica Power

    Jessica Power


    My husband and I LOVED this zoo. At first we were hesitant to go in, as we only had an hour before our cruise left, but we cruised around it and saw all the animals. The animals are all rescued and it's funded by the visitors they get. The owner is extremely nice and cares about the animals - he is the only reason that zoo is still there! I would highly recommend it to anybody visiting the island. You get to get really close to the animals and it's an amazing experience!!!

Desværre, der er ingen steder i Zoo Sint Maarten (hollandske del)

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