Great Bay Beach Resort, Casino & Spa i Philipsburg

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Little Bay Road, Philipsburg, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-2447
Latitude: 18.024405, Longitude: -63.056732
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Kommentar 5

  • Angelita Marsham-Smith

    Angelita Marsham-Smith


    Great Bay Hotel was a great hotel for grown ups to stay, but now it has been completely demolished.

  • Thiali Sabio

    Thiali Sabio


    1980ish Decor, Not Renovated But Nostalgic, Too Many Steps, Elevators Are Inconvenient, Simple Ramp Additions. BUT The Staff Is Incredible! Buffet Is Good! Table Service Areas Not So Good. God Bless St. Martin! Hoping For A Full Recovery.




    Great location. Very clean. Food quality must improve and variety. Drinks poor for a Carribean all inclusive. Pending how much you paid, i wouldn't pay over $1300 to stay here. Otherwise the staff are great and everything else.

  • Sharon Crawley

    Sharon Crawley


    Had a lovely clean room with an excellent bay view. Helpful staff. Enjoyed the spa. Tasty cuisine but limited variety. And lastly, an ocean I could not get out of! No walk in shock, like bathwater clean n clear to your toes. Wow!!

  • Laura Bamford

    Laura Bamford


    I have been to Great Bay 3 times. I love this resort. Its a place I will always want to go back too. Lots to do, shopping, friendly people, always willing to help. The food is great, the ocean view is fantastic! I can't say enough about this little piece of paradise. Rent a car, I believe the Island is 60 miles long, it has some of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.

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