Carl's Unique Inn & Conference Facilities i Cole Bay

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18, Orange Grove Road, Cole Bay, SX Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-544-2812
Latitude: 18.0334436, Longitude: -63.0827665
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Kommentar 5

  • Nico Bronkhorst

    Nico Bronkhorst


    Average and nice

  • Fausto Mercalina

    Fausto Mercalina


    The truth is I love go for eating my breakfast at the same time the place give you the feeling that you are at home. Actually the same place have other possibilities as mini supermarket, conference area for rent upstairs plus rooms for the guest. Nice and cool... bye the way not expensive.

  • Patrice Poleon

    Patrice Poleon


    Great bakery and supermarket and deli situated in Colebay and Philipsburg.

  • Van Gassant

    Van Gassant


    Lovely room, friendly and helpful staff. Well situated, and a quaint convenience store and bakery downstairs. The price was reasonable, and it's in a very quiet area, which is good for relaxing. Food was good, breakfast was good and rooms were cleaned every day.

  • adrianna storey

    adrianna storey


    This is a very clean comfortable place. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. Very very reasonable. The owner is a wonderful person and so funny. I would definitely stay there again.

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