Ballerina Jewelers i Philipsburg

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Voorstraat, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Kontakter telefon: +1 721-542-4399
Latitude: 18.0235715, Longitude: -63.0456582
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Kommentar 5

  • Brad Weighley

    Brad Weighley


    Kenny is the best!!!! He takes care of customers way after the sale. I would recommend this place to everyone.

  • Chris Gigstad

    Chris Gigstad


    Love Ballerina Jewelers! Mike and the staff always take great care of us! Best jewelers!

  • Steve Fox

    Steve Fox


    My rating is 5 stars but it would be more if I could give more. I learned of Ballerina from friends and I'm glad I did. My wife and I stop by and see Gary even if we aren't looking to buy. He has become a friend as well. Do yourself a favor and stop by and see the people at Ballerina Jewelers either on Front St or their location at the port. It's my sincere hope they are still in business after the hurricane season of 2017.

  • mary davis

    mary davis


    My husband and have been shopping at Ballerinas for about 20 years. We only buy our jewelry from Mike and his staff. We make a trip to St.. Martin once a year and stop by to see and buy a little something from Mike (thanks to my hubby), because it's almost free. We Have taken many family and friends to Ballerinas and all have been more than happy with there purchases, and have been returned customers. Ballerinas Customer service is 5 stars all the way. When you are in St Martin stop by and they will take very care of you!

  • Debi Horner

    Debi Horner


    We have been a customers for 15 years! Mike and staff are wonderful. Don't bother shopping anywhere else. I can't tell you how pleased my husband and I have been with our purchases. They have the best selection and quality of jewelry. They also have the best prices. Save your beach time and go to Ballerina Jewelers first!

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